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The Latest Book
Has Arrived!

Read the dazzling new novel by authors Glenroy & Kizie Bent.

Its burst of vivid and vibrant illustrations of the Sun’s daily activities portrays the sun as a worker from, sunrise to sunset – you won’t be able to put this down!” – Bent



The sun puts on its nightgown


Every morning, the sun wakes up and starts its journey across the sky.

It sees its friends the animals and plants,

and even boys and girls just like you.

Its light brightens up their day, and makes it so much better…


“Being apart of this wonderful tapestry that allows me to contribute information via storytelling is an amazing adventure. Knowing that words are powerful in shaping the lives of people, I’m inspired to do my part to help by the inspiration I’ve received from God.”


Now Available on Kindle

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Format: Paperback or Digital

Its burst of vivid and vibrant illustrations of the Sun’s daily activities portrays the sun as a worker from, sunrise to sunset. Step inside to read of the myriad of duties the sun has and how it affects our daily lives. Each page captures the perfect moment in the day, along with its vibes. The sun lures you to tap into the different senses as you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch what is exhibited before you.

The grade 4-5 students will love the Figurative Language used and be able to apply to real-world settings. And, not much rhyming but dares you to find those words that do.

The Sun Puts on its Nightgown shows the heliocentricity (having the sun as the center) of the sun and how he winds down at the end of day.

Book & Sun-5939

Format: Paperback book bundled with Plush Toy.

Its burst of vivid and vibrant illustrations of the Sun’s daily activities portrays the sun as a worker from, sunrise to sunset. Step inside to read of the myriad of duties the sun has and how it affects our daily lives. Each page captures the perfect moment in the day, along with its vibes. The sun lures you to tap into the different senses as you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch what is exhibited before you.

The grade 4-5 students will love the Figurative Language used and be able to apply to real-world settings. And, not much rhyming but dares you to find those words that do.

The Sun Puts on its Nightgown shows the heliocentricity (having the sun as the center) of the sun and how he winds down at the end of day.

Previous Releases

Format: Paperback or Digital

In this inspirational and empowering book, Glenroy Bent explores four key topics of faith: the Holy Spirit, prayer, fasting, and the Bible. He believes these four elements are essential for the development of believers, encouraging and empowering them to develop a stronger relationship with God, and providing the fuel that will sustain them on their Christian journey. The book deals in depth with these four essentials, showing the importance of embracing them, making them the central focus of what a believer should strive to master because they unlock all areas and make a person complete in their faith. Bent would like readers to be aware of the resources they have at their disposal, and be able to employ the tools that will help them have a better relationship with God.

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